Monday 26 November 2012

Colonics Irrigation Information

Many people have pre-conceived ideas about Colonic Hydrotherapy (also know as colonic irrigation.) Our aim is to explain how the treatment is performed and give you some ideas as you whether it is something you would wish to undertake.
Colon Hydrotherapy is not a new treatment. In fact, it was used in hospitals until recent times when it was replaced by strong purgatives which are used for emptying the bowel before procedures or treating faecal impaction.
The colonic treatment stimulates bowel activity by using the body's natural nerve and muscular response mechanisms, so is essentially a natural treatment. Laxatives are used to initiate a response by acting in different ways, such as by irritation or reversing the osmotic gradient.
By using the body's natural nerve and muscular activity colonic hydrotherapy may help to tone and exercise the bowel, thus aiding the evacuation of waste both during and after treatment.
Colonic treatment is used as a naturopathic modality and clients who choose this treatment include those who suffer from various bowel conditions. One of the best things about colonic hydrotherapy is that the benefits of the treatment are very personal to the client. This means that as a client you will know how you feel after the treatment. You won't need to be influenced by anyone else.

As a professional organisation our therapists will not make claims to cure chronic conditions.

What is involved in Colonic Irrigation?

You do not need to make any special changes to your diet or lifestyle before a treatment, however many people choose to have a treatment when embarking upon a new health regime.
As registered, professional therapists, we are used to people feeling nervous, especially before a first treatment. Part of our job is to put you at ease and ensure you are comfortable having your treatment.
At your first appointment your therapist will take a full medical case history, and will explain the procedure and treatment process to you. Do not hesitate to ask any questions.
A brief rectal exam must be carried out and then the speculum is gently introduced 1.5 inches (4cm) into the rectum. This procedure should not be painful. If you feel any pain or discomfort please inform your therapist.
An inlet and outlet tube are attached to the outside of the speculum to provide a through-flow of water going in and water and waste going out. The waste is piped away, and since the whole system is closed, there is no odour.
After lying on your left side to allow the speculum to be gently inserted, your therapist will ask you to turn onto your back.  To assist elimination of waste and gas pockets your therapist may use gentle abdominal massage techniques.
Sometimes herbal infusions are used during a colonic treatment and a probiotic (friendly bacteria) implant may be given afterwards if indicated. Again your therapist will discuss your treatment with you during the session.

 How much water is used? 

Every treatment is individual, but as a guide we estimate around 60 litres of filtered water is used per treatment. However, only small amounts of water are allowed to enter the bowel at any one time. The water acts as a stimulant to tell the bowel it is full, and the bowel muscle responds by contracting and eliminating waste matter and the water. It acts in the same way as when your bowel is full normally and you have the feeling you want to go to the toilet.
The water pressure is carefully controlled and is in fact lower than is normally generated during a bowel movement.
In all the colonic treatment takes around 30-45 minutes on the couch. (See FAQ's for whole treatment time information.)

How many treatments are necessary?

Your therapist will discuss with you your individual motivation for deciding to have a colonic treatment. People have different reason for having a treatment so you will be treated as an individual. An ARCH therapist will never pressurise anyone to have more treatments than are desired or necessary. As a professional organisation our therapists are trained to the highest standards and we will always give you our best advice.

Are there any circumstances when a colonic treatment cannot be performed?

Yes, there are conditions where a colonic treatment would not be undertaken.
These include conditions such as active infections, active inflammation (for example, diverticulitis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, etc) a painful fissure or painful haemorrhoids.
In such cases treatment cannot be carried out until they are healed or in remission.
Some diseases such as congestive heart disease, severe uncontrolled hypertension, severe anaemia, liver cirrhosis, kidney disease, severe haemorrhaging and colo-rectal carcinoma are absolute contra-indications to treatment as are some physical conditions such as severe abdominal or inguinal hernias which cannot be easily reduced.
If you as a client, or our therapists, are in any doubt, we will refer you to your G.P for advice.
Treatments are also not performed during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, and not at all during complicated pregnancies.
We always take a full case history before commencing a treatment. If there is any doubt we will refer you to your G.P.

 The Colon

The colon, also known as the large intestine or large bowel is part of the digestive system. It is located at the end of the digestive tract in the abdominal cavity. It is divided into several regions. The appendix, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon and the rectum. The anus acts as a valve under voluntary control.
The function of the colon is to re-absorb digestive juices, water soluble salts and bile back into the blood stream and thence to the liver. It also stores food and other bodily waste products until elimination. The colon acts as host for vast numbers of beneficial bacteria, these bacteria help us with various tasks including immunity to infection, regulation of cholesterol levels, production of a number of vitamins and maintain a healthy colon.
Most diagrams of the bowel show an idealised picture, whereas in reality the length, shape and position vary immensely.
The length is variable and can be anything from around 3 to 11 feet. The path it follows may be very bendy and can have many loops. For some people it may be that they have inherited a very long bowel which slows down transit time and can cause constipation problems.
The bowel structure is made of smooth muscle, which is different from ordinary (skeletal) muscle tissue in so much as it works under the autonomic (or automatic) nervous system. This means we have no conscious control over it. Once we have chewed and swallowed our food, the rest of the digestive process is done for us, until it is time to evacuate our bowel which is partly autonomic, and partly voluntary.
What we eat and how often we eat, depends on how often we empty (defecate) our bowel. It is expected that we will go to the toilet for a bowel movement at least once every 24 hours. Inability to empty the bowel regularly can lead to constipation and people may feel bloated and uncomfortable as a consequence.
Sometimes the colon may become tight (spastic) or go into spasm which is a feature of irritable bowel syndrome. Although the colon muscle is different from skeletal muscles it can still suffer from cramp which can be very painful. The symptoms of an irritable bowel are wide and varied but range from constipation to diarrhoea along with irregular defecation and incomplete evacuation.
The colon forms an important part of the elimination system of the body and waste from the alimentary tract, the lymphatic system and bloodstream are collected prior to excretion. It is therefore important to have a healthy and properly functioning colon in order to help the overall balance of the body.
Many people visit hospitals or doctors as a consequence of a dysfunctional bowel. Waste products that remain in the colon for too long may be reabsorbed and can make us feel unwell.

colonic-association <dot > org 

What Are The Benefits of Colonic Irrigation

Colonic Irrigation - What Are the Benefits

There are many benefits to colonic irrigation but how exactly do they work. In this article light is shed on the subject and the benefits and conditions relating to the colonic impaction are explained. 

IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Thought to be caused by deterioration of the peristaltic muscles of the colon or weakening of the muscles due to laxatives or ignoring the call to use the toilet. Many people develop this habit from childhood.. Colonic irrigation strenghtens the muscles of the colon and may retrain the bowel restoring normal colon function. Read More

Weight Problems
A body which is constipated, dehydrated, toxic or where metabolism is reduced may be prone to weight gain. Colonic irrigation can help addresss this and may lead to weight loss. Read More

Tiredness and Fatigue
When the body is over run with toxins and is dyhydrated,, the results is low levels of energy. Colonic irrigation adds a flush of clean fresh water to revitalise the cells.

Bloating may be caused by gas and mucous in the colon. Colonic irrigation may help to clear and reduce bloating immediately.

Sinus Problems
The Sinus is an area which becomes inflamed when toxic overload reaches critical levels and the body can no longer cope. Colonic irrigation may help clear the sinus of its toxic load.

Stress and toxins are linked. A body which is overloaded may not be able to fully relax. Colonic irrigation can help.

When excessive hormones are released during the pre menstreal phase, they may accumulate and cause PMT or PMS symtoms such as irritability and mood swings. Colonic Irrigation may also help reduce bloating and constipation which are common symptoms .

A body which is toxin, over weight or stressed may not be receptive to fertilisation. Colonic Irrigation may help.

Did you know drugs similar to anti depressants are used to treat IBS? Thats because Serotonin as well as the brain. It is produced in the colon as a stimulant to enable peristaltic action or movement. Constipation can lead to depression. Colonic irrigation my help lift mood by removing toxins which circulate and enter the blood and the brain. Read More

Stress & Irritability
A physical link exists between the colon and the brain. Recent research published by The Harvard Medical Journal shows that stress, irritability and depression may manifest in the gastro intestinal tract. Read More

Frequent headaches, Migranes
Known triggers of migraines include alcohol, smoking or exposure to smoke, weather changes, allergies, altitude changes, jet lag, hormonal changes, stress, sun glare, flashing lights, constipation. Colonic irrigation can detox the body and remove the constipatioin which may be the cause of headaches.

Back & Joint pains
Digestion and Constipation Patients who have chronic bowel problems can suffer from backache, due to “referred” pain. “Referred” pain is where pain from one organ or system is passed to another area. Colonic irrigation can help relieve constipation and therefore reduce back pain.

Bad breath (Halitosis)
You might be surprised to learn bad breath is a commonly overlooked symptom of constipation, but it makes perfect sense when you consider that the mouth is the first part of the digestive tract and the colon is the last. Therefore putred matter in the colon can be smelt on the breath. Colonic irrigation can remove impacted matter and remove bad breath.

Body odour
Body odor may be caused by a zinc deficiency, diabetes or liver disease, chronic constipation and certain parasites. Colonic can help remove the offending underlying problem.

Irritability & Confusion
Herbalists explain that when liver chi (energy) stagnates, mood swingsirritabilityconstipation and water retention can become evident. The practice of cleasing the body and colon with colonic irrigation can reduce these symptoms.

Skin problems & Acne
Skin eruptions or blemishes can also be signs of a colon trying to eliminate toxins. It's true—constipation can cause acne or worsen existing skin problems. Many people fail to understand the skin is a major organ that aids in eliminating waste and if the colon is impacted, the skin is forced to excrete toxins in the form of spots. Colonic irrigation can help clear the body of toxins and improve the skin. 
By clearing the colon constipation can be remedied by colonic irrigation. A course of colonic irrigation treatment helps builds strenght in the colon and restore peristaltic action.
Often Diarrhea is caused by constipation which has become impacted and adheres to the walls of the colon. Diarrhea occurs as fluid falls through the soft matter in the middle with no muscle to move it along. Colonic irrigation may clear the impaction.

Weak Immune System
A weak immune system is often the result of exhausted adrenals due to long term stress, over production of hormone and a build up of toxins in the liver. Colonic irrigation and coffee enemas can reduce toxic load.

Skin problems,Acne, spots on back
Often caused by toxic overload resulting from the body not eliminating effetively. Toxins in the colon are re-absorbed and may be pushed out by the body through the skin resulting in acne or spots on the back. Colonic irrigation takes the pressure of the other eliminatory organs anc therefore leads to skin clearing naturally. Particularly is the spots are under the skin and do not come to a head.

Circulation & Celulite problems
Often again caused by toxins in the cells. Colonic irrigation may help clear the problem and rehydrate each cell with fresh water.
Parasitic infection

Beat Stress with Colonic Irrigation

The colon-brain connection - Harvard Medical Journal Report 2010

It has often been asked how colonic irrigation may help with issues effecting the brain and the mood. Recent evidence has shown a physical connection between the brain and the colon in that both produce seratonin. Could it be therefore that your gut feeling is more than just intuition but is it infact your brain displaying its dis-ease through its link to your body? Here is an article from The Harvard Medical Journal which sheds some light on the subject and is interesting for anyone considering colonic irrigation for reasons relating to stress, depression or mood. 

Have you ever had a “gut-wrenching” experience? Do certain situations make you “feel nauseous”? Have you ever felt “butterflies” in your stomach? We use these expressions for a reason. The gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to emotion. Anger, anxiety, sadness, elation—all of these feelings (and others) can trigger symptoms in the colon.
The brain has a direct effect on the stomach. For example, the very thought of eating can release the stomach’s juices before food gets there. This connection goes both ways. A troubled intestine can send signals to the brain, just as a troubled brain can send signals to the colon. Therefore, a patient’s distressed colon can be as much the cause as the product of anxiety, stress, or depression. That’s because the brain and the gastrointestinal (GI) system are intimately connected — so intimately that they should be viewed as one system, rather than two.
This is especially true in cases where a person experiences gastrointestinal upset with no obvious physical cause. For such functional GI disorders, trying to heal a distressed colon without considering the impact of stress and emotion is like trying to improve an employee’s poor job performance without considering his manager and work environment.

Stress and the functional GI disorders
Given how closely the colon and brain interact, it becomes easier to understand why you might feel nauseated before giving a presentation, or feel intestinal pain during times of stress. That doesn’t mean, however, that functional gastrointestinal illnesses are imagined or “all in your head.” Psychology combines with physical factors to cause pain and other bowel symptoms. Psychosocial factors influence the actual physiology of the colon, as well as the modulation of symptoms. In other words, stress (or depression or other psychological factors) can affect movement and contractions of the GI tract, cause inflammation, or make you more susceptible to infection.
In addition, research suggests that some people with functional GI disorders perceive pain more acutely than other people do because their brains do not properly regulate pain signals from the GI tract. Stress can make the existing pain seem even worse.
These observations suggest that at least some patients with functional GI conditions might find relief with therapy to reduce stress or treat anxiety or depression. And sure enough, a review of 13 studies showed that patients who tried psychologically based approaches had greater improvement in their symptoms compared with patients who received conventional medical treatment.
Is stress causing your symptoms?
When evaluating whether your gastrointestinal symptoms — such as heartburn, abdominal cramps, or loose stools — are related to stress, watch for these other common symptoms of stress and report them to your clinician as well.

Physical symptoms :  Colonic irrigation may be beneficial if  symptoms such as the following are persistant
  • Stiff or tense muscles, especially in the neck and shoulders
  • Headaches
  • Sleep problems
  • Shakiness or tremors
  • Recent loss of interest in sex
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Restlessness
Behavioral symptoms Colonic irrigation may be beneficial if  signs such as the following are persistent
  • Procrastination
  • Grinding teeth
  • Difficulty completing work assignments
  • Changes in the amount of alcohol or food you consume
  • Taking up smoking, or smoking more than usual
  • Increased desire to be with or withdraw from others
  • Rumination (frequent talking or brooding about stressful situations)
Emotional symptoms of toxic colon. Colonic irrigation may be beneficial if behavioural symptoms such as the following are persistant: 
  • Crying
  • Overwhelming sense of tension or pressure
  • Trouble relaxing
  • Nervousness
  • Quick temper
  • Depression
  • Poor concentration
  • Trouble remembering things
  • Loss of sense of humor
  • Indecisiveness
By clearing the colon of years of toxic waste colonic irrigation may help with depression, confusion, mood swings and health issues thought to be connected to the brain. 

Colonic irrigation cleansing is best done when the stomach is empty. It is beneficial to drink one to two glasses of water afterwards and eat a piece of fruit prepared fruit juice half hour later. The first one or two meals after the treatment should be light and not contain any food such as meat eggs cheese or friend food.

Some people have expressed concerns about losing friendly probiotic bacteria in the colon as a result of colonic irrigation. It is actually much easier for the friendly bacteria to repopulate in a clean environment than in one filled with putrefied and fermented waste matter. Once the colon is cleansed, it takes 36 Hours to restore natural bacterial populations